1. Where are you located?

We are located in South Central Utah in a rural mountain valley in the small town of Koosharem.

2. Do you have a facility in my area?

We are a privately owned, family business and not part of a corporate conglomerate with multiple facilities. Our only location is in Koosharem, Utah.

3. When can a student enter?

Sorenson's Ranch School is an open entry program. Students may enter at any time. An individualized class schedule is designed for each pupil, based on previous credits earned and their personal needs.

4. What is the average length of time a student stays?

Our program is organized for approximately one year.

5. What are the credentials of Sorenson's Ranch School?

We are licensed by the State of Utah as a residential treatment and substance abuse facility. We are accredited by The Joint Commission Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), and the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). We are on the special education list of some states.

6. Do insurance companies cover Sorenson's Ranch School?

Most insurance companies do not cover residential treatment centers. If you have residential benefits, we will bill your insurance company; however, you will be responsible to cover tuition until insurance payments arrive. We can also bill for some of the services we offer as outpatient therapy.

7. What are visiting privileges?

We suggest that parents visit before the student enters and at three months when the student has earned the privilege of a visit and after six to eight months. Home visits are suggested for the student when the student is on the right level and after eight to ten months.

8. What about runaways?

We are very isolated, which is a deterrent to running away and with parental support we will work to bring any runaway back.

9. What should a student bring with him/her?

Basic clothing requirements for students are as follows: six tee shirts (no solid black, red, or blue), five pairs of jeans, sweatshirts, one light jacket, ten pair of underwear, ten pair of socks, two to three bras, one pair of pajamas/sweatpants and shirt for sleeping, one swimsuit (modest one-piece, not white), one pair of sunglasses. Students may have one heavy coat, one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of sandals for summer (no heels higher than one inch), one pair of hiking boots, and two pair of shorts (no more than 3 inches above the knee). Parents may send these clothing items with student when admitting. Please consult the Clothing Policy in the Parent Manual for details on what is or is not allowed.

10. Is there a religious affiliation?

No, we are not associated with any religion. Our students come from many religions. We offer an opportunity for them to attend a non-denominational service on campus a couple of times a month if they so choose. Students in Addiction Recovery or Support Group meetings are encouraged to rely on the help of a higher power.

11. What is the policy on smoking, drugs, and alcohol?

Campus is a drug-free zone. Smoking, drugs and alcohol is not allowed, even for staff.

12. What is the boy/girl policy?

We have a co-ed program. We have a "no physical contact" rule and are reasonably safe and secure in these areas -- much more than in the home, neighborhood, or public schools.

13. What success can be expected?

We don’t offer a “quick fix,” but we do change behavior and habits in a therapeutic setting. We teach a new way of life with emphasis on ranching, farming, camping, and country living. Many students go on to college, trade programs or other. All students have life-enhancing experiences.

14. Can students earn a diploma?

Yes, students may earn a high school diploma or transfer earned credits to another accredited high school. We offer all required courses for high school graduation. We are able to help students who have fallen behind to catch up. We have special education classes, small class-loads, and many experiential (hands-on) opportunities.

15. How often can I have contact with our student?

You may write letters to your student as soon as they enter the program or send emails through the parent portal. Student are also encouraged to send letters. Phone calls are offered weekly to the student, of various durations based on level. (This schedule does not include therapy calls with your student.)

16. How often will my son or daughter receive therapy?

The advantage to therapy in our residential setting is that each therapist has the opportunity to interact with students both in therapy and out of therapy. Students will have one individual sessions per week. Each student also attends group therapy sessions, up to four times each week. These may include Grief Therapy, Anger Management, Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Adoption, Peer, Life Skills, Prevention/Intervention, and NA, among others. Each therapist will also conduct family therapy sessions, and will develop a schedule that meets the needs of you and your son or daughter. Sorenson’s Ranch School incorporates therapy into almost everything we do. The therapeutic value of spending time in the open, on the back of a horse, and around a campfire, is priceless.

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